Home > personal, self-help, social media > HOW TO: Add Twitter Favorites to Google Reader

HOW TO: Add Twitter Favorites to Google Reader

When I first starting using Twitter, I found that I was starring a lot of tweets. Since I was already using Google Reader, I was tasked with catching up on saved items in two different spots.

That just was not going to work.

UPDATE (1/3/2013): There is an easier way to do this now.

1. Open an account at Kippt.

2. Connect your Twitter account.

3. You should have a list called “Twitter Favorites” or something similar.

4. Click on the list. Then on the sprocket, choose “RSS.”

5. Copy the RSS URL and paste it in your Google Reader. Presto!


But RSSFriends can help. Here’s how:

1. Start by putting in the account you want to track.


2. Hit the “Google” button for the third option, RSS Feed of Favorited Tweets. (You can also subscribe to RSS of tweeps who follow or unfollow you and to RSS of tweeps you follow or unfollow.)


3. Then click on “Add to Google Reader.” (You can also add to your Google homepage if you prefer.)

4. In Google Reader, add to a folder in your “Feed Settings” and name as you like. I named mine “@polleydan favorites (new).”


5. Star items in Twitter and enjoy reading them in Google!

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